
Evaluate Mapping with Wave Gate Metrics

There are two types of gate metrics for Map:

A gate, with a gate date and a percentage complete, which allows a user to evaluate current mapping status against a customizable goal. Use the Snap Shot process in Map to get current mapping statistics to measure against the Gate Wave metrics.

NOTE: The process for setting up Wave Gate metrics for value mapping and field mapping is the same. Wave Gate metrics for value mapping are set up on the Wave Gate Metrics (Value Mapping) page. Wave Gate metrics for field mapping are set up on the Wave Gate Metrics (Field Mapping) page.

The process for using Wave Gate metrics is:

  1. Enter the GATE NAME, the GATE DATE and the GATE PERCENTAGE for value mapping and field mapping in Console.
  2. Run the Snap Shot process in Map to gather current mapping status. The Snap Shot process captures mapping metrics at a specific point in time. Refer to Capture Statistics for Wave Gate Metrics for more information.
  3. View the current mapping status in relation to the gate metrics on the Wave Gate Metrics (Value Mapping) page and the Wave Gate Metrics (Field Mapping) page. View details for a gate by clicking Vertical View for the gate on the Wave Gate Metrics (Value Mapping) page or the Wave Gate Metrics (Field Mapping) page.

NOTE: These pages can be viewed in Map by clicking Metrics on the Process Area Launch page. Click the Gate Value Metrics icon or the Gate Field Metrics icon. These pages open as display only when accessed in Map. Wave Gate metrics can only be edited in Console.

Gate Metrics for Value Mapping

To set up Gate metrics for value mapping in Console:

  1. Click Waves icon on the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Metrics icon for a Wave.
  3. Click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the Wave Gate Metrics (Value Mapping) page

  4. Enter a name in the GATE NAME field.
  5. Enter a date or click the calendar to select a date in the GATE DATE field.
  6. NOTE: This is the date by which the percentage of the value mapping entered in the GATE PERCENTAGE field should be completed.

  7. Enter a value in the GATE PERCENTAGE field.
  8. NOTE: This percent should be complete for value mapping by the date entered in the GATE DATE field.
  9. Click Save.

NOTE: A service page runs daily to update the gate percentage. A user can also run the Snap Shot process in Map to update the current mapping statistics visible on the Wave Gate Metrics (Value Mapping) page’s Horizontal View with details provided on the Vertical View. The LAST UPDATE DATE field is updated with the date the service page ran, or the last date the Snap Shot process was run.

NOTE: If the current date is later than the date in the GATE DATE field, the statistics on the page will not update.

Gate Metrics for Field Mapping

To set up Gate metrics for field mapping in Console:

  1. Click Waves on the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Process Areas icon for a Wave.
  3. Click the Metrics icon for a Process Area.
  4. Click Add

    View the field descriptions for the Wave Process Area Gate Metrics (Field Mapping) page

  5. Enter a name in the GATE NAME field.
  6. Enter a date or click the calendar to select a date in the GATE DATE field.

    NOTE: This is the date by which the percentage of the field mapping entered in the GATE PERCENTAGE field should be completed.

  7. Enter a value in the GATE PERCENTAGE field.

    NOTE: This percent should be complete for field mapping by the date entered in the GATE DATE field.

  8. Click Save.

NOTE: A service page runs daily to update the gate percentage. A user can also run the Snap Shot process in Map to update the current mapping statistics visible on the Wave Process Area Gate Metrics (Field Mapping) page’s Horizontal View, with details provided on the Vertical View. The LAST UPDATE DATE field is updated with the date the service page ran or the last date the Snap Shot process was run.

NOTE: If the current date is later than the date in the GATE DATE field, the statistics on the page will not update.